PSUSUM6 ;BIR/DAM - Patient Demographics Summary for IV/UD/RX ; 20 DEC 2001
Source file <PSUSUM6.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN1 | ;Gather summary data for UD/IV/RX report
DATE | ;EN Convert date range of extract to external format
COMSUM | ;Summary report header to be run for combination Rx/IV/UD report
UNIQUE | ;Find total unique pharmacy patients across all divisions
TAB2 | ;Tab spacing for line 7. Set line into global
TOP | ;EN Find Total Outpatients
TAB | ;Calculate tab spacing
OPDIV | ;EN Find outpatients per division
TAB1 | ;EN Calculate division tab spacing
DIVTOT | ;EN Calculate tab spacing for 'Outpatient total of all divisions'
TUDIV | ;Calculate tab spacing for 'Total INPATIENT' line and
IPDIV | ;EN Find inpatients by division (includes UD patients and IV
IPDIV1 | ;Calculate inpatient totals
TAB3 | ;Place inpatient division totals into summary message
TAB4 | ;Calculate inpatient totals of all divisions and place in summary
NODATA | ;Summary report line to be sent if there is no data