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Routine: PSUUD6

Package: Pharmacy Benefits Management

Routine: PSUUD6


PSUUD6 ;BIR/DAM - UD AMIS Summary Message I;23 MAR 2004

Source Information

Source file <PSUUD6.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EN ;Entry point to construct globals for AMIS summary message
DISP ;Add doses dispensed of all drugs for each division
RET ;Add doses returned of all drugs for each division
NET ;Calculate Net doses dispensed of all drugs
TCOST ;Find total cost per drug
AVG ;Calculate average cost per dose
TRUNC ;Truncate pieces with dollar values to 2 decimal places
TOTAL ;Add dose totals of all divisions
SPEC ;Find out if a monthly extract is being run
SPEC1 ;Find division names from File (#42.6) records within
REC1 ;Create a record of specialties and days of patient care for File #42.6
SPEC2 ;Find division names from File (#42.7) records within
REC2 ;Create a record of specialties and days of patient care for File #42.7
DIVT ;Calculate division totals
GRAND ;Calculate grand total of all divisions
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