PSUV8 ;BIR/DAM - IV TPN AMIS Summary Data ;11 March 2004
Source file <PSUV8.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN | ;Entry point to gather AMIS data. Called from PSUV3
LVPDSP | ;Gather TPN Dispensed data
LVPREC | ;Gather TPN Recycled data
LVPDES | ;Gather TPN Destroyed data
LVPCAN | ;Gather TPN Cancelled data
LVPNET | ;Calculate net amount of TPN's Dispensed
LVPTOT | ;Calculate Total cost
CNET | ;Calculate Cost per Net TPN's dispensed
TOTAL | ;Add up column totals and place into ^XTMP global
REC | ;Place contents of arrays into ^XTMP globals