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Routine: PSXSTP


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  1. PSXSTP ;BIR/BAB-Stop Interface ;[ 04/08/97 2:06 PM ]
  1. ;;2.0;CMOP;;11 Apr 97
  1. ;Called from PSXJOB
  1. Q
  1. EN ;Enter here to set status to stopped (stop interface)
  1. ;K LOG,PSXONE S LOG(1)="STP Stopping the interface now!",$G(XCNT),ZCNT)=$G(DUZ)_" STOP INTERFACE DETECTED. ^"_$H,ZCNT=ZCNT+1 D LOG^PSXUTL
  1. K LOG,PSXONE S LOG(1)="STP Stopping the interface now!"
  1. ;Wait for PSXJOB to release lock
  1. WAIT L +^PSX(553,1,"S"):3 E W "." G WAIT
  1. S ^PSX(553,1,"S")="S" W !!,"Stopping the interface..." S ZTREQ="@"
  1. W "Done!"
  1. L -^PSX(553,1,"S")
  1. Q