PXRMCVRP ;SLC/PKR - Cover sheet reminder report. ;01/22/2020
Source file <PXRMCVRP.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
ADDCAT(CATIEN,IDX,IND,LIST,REMLIST) | ;Add reminders in a Category to
ADDLIST(LIST,REMLIST) | ;Add a list of reminders in the new parameter
ADDLISTO(LIST,REMLIST) | ;Add a list of reminders in the old format to the
ADDREM(IEN,IDX,IND,LIST,REMLIST) | ;Add a reminder to the reminder list.
CPRSLIST(LIST,LVLLIST,USELECT) | ;Build the cover sheet reminder list just like
CPRSCVUC(USER,USELECT) | ;Return the cover sheet user classes the user is a
NEWRPP() | ;Ask the user if they want to use the new reminder parameters.
NEWPARAM(LVLLIST,SELLIST,USELECT,REMLIST) | ;Produce the reminder list using
OLDPARAM(LVLLIST,SELLIST,USELECT,REMLIST) | ;Produce the reminder list using
OLDPARAML(LEVEL,ENTITY,REMLIST) | ;Create the old parameter list at a
REPD | ;Main report driver.
SELECT(FILENUM,PROMPT) | ;Let the user make a selection.
SELLIST(NEWRP,LVLLIST,OLIST) | ;Build a list of selections and let the user
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^VA(200 - [#200] | GET1^DIQ |