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Package: Clinical Reminders



PXRMENOD ;SLC/PKR - Clinical Reminders "E" node routines. ;06/26/2013

Source Information

Source file <PXRMENOD.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
DEPLIST(IEN,DEP) ;Build the evaluation dependency list.
EVORDER(IEN,DEP,EORDER,NODEP,ERROR) ;Determine the evaluation order for findings
KENODE(X,DA) ;Kill the "E" node in the finding multiple for terms.
KENODES(XX,DA) ;Kill the "E" and "EDEP" nodes in the finding multiple for
LABDAS(IEN) ;Determine the DAS for lab findings.
SENODE(X,DA) ;Set the "E" node in the finding multiple for terms.
SENODES(X,DA) ;Set the "E" and "EDEP" node in the finding multiple for
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