PXRMETX ; SLC/PJH - Run Extract for QUERI ;01/28/2013
Source file <PXRMETX.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
AUTO(ID,PURGE) | ;Called from option scheduling (#19.2)
GETNAME(NAME,CLASS) | ;Get the extract name.
IHD | ;Monthly IHD Extract, called from option PXRM EXTRACT VA-IHD QUERI.
MAIL(NAME,NEXT,MODE) | ;Completion mail message
MH | ;Monthly MH Extract, called from option PXRM EXTRACT VA-MH QUERI.
RUN(IEN,NEXT,MODE,PURGE) | ;Process extract parameter
; IEN is ien of Extract Parameter ; NEXT is period to extract ; MODE = 0 is extract and transmission ; MODE = 1 is extract only ; MODE = 2 is manual extract and transmission (doesn't update 810.2) ; MODE = 3 is manual extract only (doesn't update 810.2) |
EXIT | ;Clear workfile
TRANS(PXRMXIEN) | ;Transmit HL7 messages
UPDEX(IEN) | ;Update extract summary
UPDPAR | ;Update parameters when run complete
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^PXRM(810.2 - [#810.2] | FIND^DIC |