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Package: Clinical Reminders



PXRMEXCS ; SLC/PKR - Routines to compute checksums. ;02/25/2016

Source Information

Source file <PXRMEXCS.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
CHECKSUM(ATTR,START,END) ;Get the the checksum for a packed reminder
DIQOUTCS(DIQOUT) ;Return checksum for a processed DIQOUT array.
FILE(FILENUM,IEN) ;Return checksum for entry IEN in file FILENUM.
HFCS(PATH,FILENAME) ;Return checksum for host file.
HFCSGBL(GBL) ;Return checksum for host file loaded into global GBL.
MMCS(XMZ) ;Return checksum for MailMan message ien XMZ.
PFDACS(IEN,FDASTART,FDAEND) ;Return checksum for FDA array of packed
ROUTINE(RA) ;Return checksum for a routine loaded in array RA. RA has the
RTNCS(ROUTINE) ;Return checksum for a routine ROUTINE.
PRTNCS(IEN,START,END) ;Return checksum for a packed routine.
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