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Routine: PXRMEXU0

Package: Clinical Reminders

Routine: PXRMEXU0


PXRMEXU0 ;SLC/PKR - Reminder exchange general utilities, #0. ;04/14/2015

Source Information

Source file <PXRMEXU0.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
CFOKTI(IEN,START,STOP) ;Check a computed finding to see if it can be
LOC(FDA) ;Process the FDA for location lists.
GETIEN(NFOUND,LIST) ;FIND^DIC has found multiple entries with the same name.
ISPCEFIL(FILENUM) ;Return true if FILENUM is a PCE file.
SFNFTC(IEN) ;Set the found/not found text line counts in the reminder
TAX(FDA,NODE) ;Process the FDA for taxonomies. This is for the conversion from

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^PXD(811.2 - [#811.2] GET1^DID,  GET1^DIQ
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