PXRMOCG ;SLC/PKR - Routines for editing order check groups ;04/21/2016 13:20
Source file <PXRMOCG.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
GETOCINM(VP) | ;Given the variable pointer VP get the order check item name.
KOCII(DA,X) | ;Kill logic for order check item indexes.
OCICAP(IEN) | ;Executable caption for order check items.
OCIOT(DA,PI) | ;Output transform for order check items.
OICAP(IEN) | ;Executable caption for the orderable item selection.
OCRCAP(IEN) | ;Executable caption for the reminder order checks rules list
SOCII(DA,X) | ;Set logic for order check items indexes.
SMANEDIT(IEN,NEW) | ;Invoke the ScreeMan editor for entry IEN.
VRULE(RULEIEN,DA) | ;If the rules in a national orderable item group are being
VRULEA(RULEIEN,DA) | ;This check is made from the LAYGO node of the Rule
VRULED(DA) | ;This check is made from the DEL node of the Rule List
VRULESCR(RULEIEN,DA) | ;Screen for the .01 of the Rule List multiple.