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Routine: PXRMOCR

Package: Clinical Reminders

Routine: PXRMOCR


PXRMOCR ;SLC/PKR - Routines for editing order check rules ;03/17/2016 11:37

Source Information

Source file <PXRMOCR.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
CHECK(IEN,DDSBR,DDSERROR) ;Check a rule for errors, called by DATA
DCAP(IEN) ;This is the executable caption for the definition.
DDEL(IEN,OLD,NEW) ;Kill logic for AD cross-reference.
DEDOK(IEN) ;The definition in a rule can be edited as long as a term has
DELFIELD(IEN,FIELD) ;Delete a field.
DPOST(IEN) ;Definition post-action.
FOCTXT(IEN,OCTEXT,DDSBR,DDSERROR) ;Format and store the order check text as
FORMPRE(IEN) ;Form pre-action.
SMANEDIT(IEN,NEW) ;Invoke the ScreeMan editor for entry IEN.
TCAP(IEN) ;This is the executable caption for the term.
TEDOK(IEN) ;The term in a rule can be edited as long as a definition has
TDEL(IEN,OLD,NEW) ;Kill logic for AT cross-reference.
TPOST(IEN) ;Term post-action.

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FileNo Call Tags
^PXD(801.1 - [#801.1] GET^DDSVAL
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