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Routine: PXRMP47I

Package: Clinical Reminders

Routine: PXRMP47I


PXRMP47I ;SLC/PKR - Inits for PXRM*2.0*47. ;05/18/2016

Source Information

Source file <PXRMP47I.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
CFINC(Y) ;List of computed findings to include in the build.
DELDEFAD ;Delete file #811.9 field #.01 "AD" cross-reference.
DELTAXDD ;Delete the taxonomy data dictionary.
DELETAX ;Delete the expanded taxonomy file.
DELVSDD ;Delete the value set files.
PRE ;Pre-init
POST ;Post-init
RMOBSFD ;Remove obsolete field data.
UCDIA ;Change the DO IN ADVANCE TIME FRAME input transform so it will always
UCFREQ ;Change the reminder frequency input transform so they will always
VSINS ;Install the value set file data.
VSSAVE ;Pre-Transportation routine; save the value set file data in the

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^PXRMD(801.45 - [#801.45] Classic Fileman Calls
^PXD(811.9 - [#811.9] DELIX^DDMOD
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