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Routine: PXRMSCR


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  1. PXRMSCR ;SLC/PKR - Screens for Clinical Reminders. ;03/15/2016 08:52
  1. ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**24,26,45**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 566
  1. ;============================================
  1. WHFSCR(NODE,PIECE) ;Whole file screen based on Class.
  1. ;Prevent direct FileMan editing of national entries.
  1. I $G(PXRMNSCR)=1 Q 1
  1. I '$D(DIE) Q 1
  1. I $G(DIC)'=DIE Q 1
  1. ;Do not allow selection of entries whose Class is National.
  1. I $P($G(^(NODE)),U,PIECE)="N" Q 0
  1. Q 1
  1. ;
  1. WHFBLOCK() ;
  1. I $G(PXRMINST)=1 Q 1
  1. I $G(PXRMNSCR)=1 Q 1
  1. I $G(PXRMDEDT)=1 Q 1
  1. Q 0