PXRMTXIH ;SLC/PKR - Taxonomy import help. ;04/21/2014
;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**26**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 404
HELP ;Extended help for import.
;DBIA #5746 covers kill and set of DDS. DDS needs to be set or the
;Browser will kill some ScreenMan variables.
. S TEXT(IND)=$P($T(HTEXT+IND),";",3,99)
. I TEXT(IND)="**End Text**" K TEXT(IND) S DONE=1 Q
D BROWSE^DDBR("TEXT","NR","Taxonomy Import Help")
HTEXT ;Import help text.
;;Codes can be imported from a CSV (comma-separated value) file or from one
;;taxonomy into another.
;; HF - use this action when the CSV file has been saved as a host file.
;; PA - use this action to paste in the CSV file.
;; TAX - use this action to select another taxonomy to import codes from. Once
;; selected, you can import all the codes or selected sets of codes.
;; WEB - use this action to import a CSV file from a web site. You will need
;; the full url of the CSV file.
;;Creating a CSV file
;;Each row of the CSV file should have the following format:
;;Column 1 - term/code
;;Column 2 - three-character coding system abbreviation
;;The list of codes for the term/code and coding system combination starts at
;;column 3. There can be as many subsequent columns as necessary. For example,
;;if there were four codes for the term/code coding system combination, then:
;;Column 3 - first code
;;Column 4 - second code
;;Column 5 - third code
;;Column 6 - fourth code
;;An easy way to create a CSV file s to first create a spreadsheet where the
;;columns are as described above. When the spreadsheet is complete, use SAVE AS
;;to save it to a CSV file. You can also create a CSV file directly using a text
;;Host File
;;Once you have created the CSV file, you will probably need help from IRM to
;;move the file to a VistA-accessible directory. The format of this will
;;depend on the type of operating system on the server. The path includes the
;;device and directory. Your IRM person should be able to give you this. Once
;;you have entered the path, all files with a .CSV extension will be listed.
;;Type in the name of the file you want to import and press <Enter>.
;;Open the CSV file on your computer as a text file, using a text editor such as
;;Notepad. Do not open it as a spreadsheet. Highlight all the rows you want to
;;import and copy them. Go to your VistA session and select the PA action. At the
;;prompt "Paste the CSV file now, press <ENTER> to finish.", paste what has been
;;copied within 10 seconds. The import will complete; you will then need to save
;;the imported codes.
;;This action will import a CSV file from a web site. You must know the exact
;;url. NOTE: The only protocol currently supported is http; https will not work.
;;Enter the url at the prompt and then press <Enter>.
;;This option is used to import codes from an existing taxonomy into another
;;existing taxonomy. The receiving taxonomy may already have codes or may be a
;;shell of a taxonomy (contains no codes). After selecting the TAX action, you
;;will see the prompt "Select a taxonomy or taxonomies to import from." a
;;List Manager display will then open, listing all the taxonomies on your system.
;;You can select one or more taxonomies to import from by typing in a
;;comma-separated list or a range. Once the selection has been made, choose the
;;Done (Quit) action. You will then be prompted to choose either ALL or
;;SEL(ected) codes. If you choose SEL, each Term/Code Coding system pair in the
;;taxonomies being imported from will be displayed and you can choose whether or
;;not to import that set of codes.
;;**End Text**
--- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HPXRMTXIH 3974 printed Oct 16, 2024@17:50:25 Page 2
PXRMTXIH ;SLC/PKR - Taxonomy import help. ;04/21/2014
+1 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**26**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 404
+2 ;==========================================
HELP ;Extended help for import.
+2 ;DBIA #5746 covers kill and set of DDS. DDS needs to be set or the
+3 ;Browser will kill some ScreenMan variables.
+4 SET DDS=1
+5 FOR IND=1:1
Begin DoDot:1
+7 IF TEXT(IND)="**End Text**"
End DoDot:1
+8 DO BROWSE^DDBR("TEXT","NR","Taxonomy Import Help")
+10 QUIT
+11 ;
+12 ;==========================================
HTEXT ;Import help text.
+1 ;;Codes can be imported from a CSV (comma-separated value) file or from one
+2 ;;taxonomy into another.
+3 ;;
+4 ;; HF - use this action when the CSV file has been saved as a host file.
+5 ;; PA - use this action to paste in the CSV file.
+6 ;; TAX - use this action to select another taxonomy to import codes from. Once
+7 ;; selected, you can import all the codes or selected sets of codes.
+8 ;; WEB - use this action to import a CSV file from a web site. You will need
+9 ;; the full url of the CSV file.
+10 ;;
+11 ;;Creating a CSV file
+12 ;;Each row of the CSV file should have the following format:
+13 ;;Column 1 - term/code
+14 ;;Column 2 - three-character coding system abbreviation
+15 ;;
+16 ;;The list of codes for the term/code and coding system combination starts at
+17 ;;column 3. There can be as many subsequent columns as necessary. For example,
+18 ;;if there were four codes for the term/code coding system combination, then:
+19 ;;
+20 ;;Column 3 - first code
+21 ;;Column 4 - second code
+22 ;;Column 5 - third code
+23 ;;Column 6 - fourth code
+24 ;;
+25 ;;An easy way to create a CSV file s to first create a spreadsheet where the
+26 ;;columns are as described above. When the spreadsheet is complete, use SAVE AS
+27 ;;to save it to a CSV file. You can also create a CSV file directly using a text
+28 ;;editor.
+29 ;;
+30 ;;Host File
+31 ;;Once you have created the CSV file, you will probably need help from IRM to
+32 ;;move the file to a VistA-accessible directory. The format of this will
+33 ;;depend on the type of operating system on the server. The path includes the
+34 ;;device and directory. Your IRM person should be able to give you this. Once
+35 ;;you have entered the path, all files with a .CSV extension will be listed.
+36 ;;Type in the name of the file you want to import and press <Enter>.
+37 ;;
+38 ;;Pasting
+39 ;;Open the CSV file on your computer as a text file, using a text editor such as
+40 ;;Notepad. Do not open it as a spreadsheet. Highlight all the rows you want to
+41 ;;import and copy them. Go to your VistA session and select the PA action. At the
+42 ;;prompt "Paste the CSV file now, press <ENTER> to finish.", paste what has been
+43 ;;copied within 10 seconds. The import will complete; you will then need to save
+44 ;;the imported codes.
+45 ;;
+46 ;;Web
+47 ;;This action will import a CSV file from a web site. You must know the exact
+48 ;;url. NOTE: The only protocol currently supported is http; https will not work.
+49 ;;Enter the url at the prompt and then press <Enter>.
+50 ;;
+51 ;;TAX
+52 ;;This option is used to import codes from an existing taxonomy into another
+53 ;;existing taxonomy. The receiving taxonomy may already have codes or may be a
+54 ;;shell of a taxonomy (contains no codes). After selecting the TAX action, you
+55 ;;will see the prompt "Select a taxonomy or taxonomies to import from." a
+56 ;;List Manager display will then open, listing all the taxonomies on your system.
+57 ;;You can select one or more taxonomies to import from by typing in a
+58 ;;comma-separated list or a range. Once the selection has been made, choose the
+59 ;;Done (Quit) action. You will then be prompted to choose either ALL or
+60 ;;SEL(ected) codes. If you choose SEL, each Term/Code Coding system pair in the
+61 ;;taxonomies being imported from will be displayed and you can choose whether or
+62 ;;not to import that set of codes.
+63 ;;
+64 ;;**End Text**
+65 QUIT
+66 ;