PXRMTXSM ;SLC/PKR - Reminder Taxonomy ScreenMan routines ;06/14/2022
Source file <PXRMTXSM.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
CODELIST(TAXIEN) | ;See if the temporary list of selected codes exists,
EXETCCAP(DA) | ;Executable caption for code search.
FDATAVAL(IEN) | ;Form Data Validation.
SPONCLASS | ;Make sure the Class of the Sponsor matches that of the Taxonomy.
LEXSRCH(DA,CODESYS) | ;Branch for Lexicon Term/Code search.
LTCPAOC(DA) | ;Lexicon Term/Code post-action on change.
NUMCODES(DA) | ;Executable caption to display the number of selected codes
POSTACT(D0) | ;Form Post Action
POSTSAVE(IEN) | ;Form Post Save. Store changes in lists of codes.
SMANEDIT(IEN,NEW,FORM) | ;ScreenMan edit for entry IEN.
VEALLSEL(DA) | ;Branch for View/edit all selected codes.
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^PXD(811.2 - [#811.2] | GET^DDSVAL |
^PXRMD(811.6 - [#811.6] | GET1^DIQ |