PXRMV2I ; SLC/PKR - Version 2.0 init routine. ;11/05/2004
Source file <PXRMV2I.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
CPCL | ;Convert the internal patient cohort logic to the new form that
CRXTYPE | ;Convert the RXTYPE to the new form.
CSVPE | ;Execute the CSV protocol event points.
DELCF | ;Delete erroneous computed finding entries.
DELDD | ;Delete the old data dictionaries.
FFFIX | ;Clean up the function finding file at test sites.
FOMRD | ;Flag all definitions using the old-style MRD.
;Add remote member to mail group IHD SEND
PRE | ;
POST | ;
RENAMIR | ;If the VA-IRAQ &AFGHAN POST-DEPLOY SCREEN reminder exists rename it.
RENAMTRM | ;Rename all national terms so they start with VA-
RTAXEXP | ;Rebuild all taxonomy expansions.
SENODE | ;Rebuild the "E" index on definitions and terms.
SVRSN | ;Set the package version number.
WEB | ;Change the default web page from the prevention handbook
XPARAMS | ;Set the next extract date in the IHD QUERI parameters
FileNo | Call Tags |
^PXRMD(802.4 - [#802.4] | Classic Fileman Calls |
^PXRM(810.2 - [#810.2] | Classic Fileman Calls, FIND1^DIC |
^PXRMD(811.4 - [#811.4] | Classic Fileman Calls |
^PXRMD(811.5 - [#811.5] | Classic Fileman Calls |