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Routine: PXRMV2IR

Package: Clinical Reminders

Routine: PXRMV2IR


PXRMV2IR ; SLC/JVS,PKR - Version 2.0 init routine. ;07/06/2004

Source Information

Source file <PXRMV2IR.m>

Call Graph

Call Graph

Call Graph Total: 4

Package Total Call Graph
VA FileMan 2 ^%DT  FILE^DIE  
Clinical Reminders 1 ^PXRMV2IR  
Kernel 1 BMES^XPDUTL  

Caller Graph


Legend of Colors

Package Component Superscript legend

action A extended action Ea event driver Ed subscriber Su protocol O limited protocol LP run routine RR broker B edit E server Se print P screenman SM inquire I

Caller Graph

Caller Graph Total: 2

Package Total Caller Graph
Clinical Reminders 2 PXRMV2I  PXRMV2IR  

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EN ;Start of loop for rescinding national reminders
UNDO ;Undo all the changes

External References

Name Field # of Occurrence
^%DT EN+5
FILE^DIE EN+17, EN+27, UNDO+14

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
^PXD(811.9 - [#811.9] EN+9, EN+12, EN+23, UNDO+4, UNDO+6, UNDO+8

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
II EN+2~, EN+7*, UNDO+1~, UNDO+2*
OREM EN+2~, EN+7*, EN+9, EN+18, UNDO+1~, UNDO+2*, UNDO+4, UNDO+10
OREMDA EN+2~, EN+9*, EN+10, EN+12, EN+13, EN+14, EN+15, EN+16, UNDO+1~, UNDO+4*
PNAME EN+2~, EN+12*, EN+15, UNDO+1~, UNDO+8*, UNDO+12
RDATEI EN+2~, EN+6*, EN+16, EN+26
REM EN+2~, EN+11!, EN+25!, UNDO+9!
REM(1 EN+13*, EN+14*, EN+15*, EN+16*, EN+26*, UNDO+10*, UNDO+11*, UNDO+12*, UNDO+13*
TEMP EN+3~, EN+7*, EN+8, UNDO+1~, UNDO+2*, UNDO+3
TEXT EN+3~, EN+21
TEXT(1 EN+18*
TEXT(2 EN+19*
TEXT(3 EN+20*
X EN+3~, EN+5*
Y EN+3~, EN+6
ZZREM EN+3~, EN+8*, EN+13, EN+19, EN+23, UNDO+1~, UNDO+3*, UNDO+6
ZZREMDA EN+3~, EN+23*, EN+24, EN+26, UNDO+1~, UNDO+6*, UNDO+7, UNDO+8, UNDO+10, UNDO+11
UNDO+12, UNDO+13

Marked Items

Name Field # of Occurrence
$T( EN+5
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