PXSINQ ;SLC/PKR - Simple inquiry routines ;06/20/2018
Source file <PXSINQ.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
BROWSE(FILENUM,FLDLIST,IEN) | ;Display the details of an entry using the
CLBROWSE(FILENUM,FLDLIST,IEN) | ;Display the details of an entry's Change
GETEH(FILENUM,FLDLST,IEN,NL,OUTPUT) | ;Get the edit history.
GETTEXT(FILENUM,FLDLIST,IEN,NL,OUTPUT) | ;Get the requested contents of an entry.
LMBROWSE(FILENUM,FLDLIST,IEN) | ;Display the details of an entry using the
LMCLBROW(FILENUM,FLDLIST,IEN) | ;Display the details of an entry's edit history
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |