PXVRPC3 ;MSC/DKA - VIMM 2.0 RPC code to return list of Immunizations ;10/27/2015 13:36
Source file <PXVRPC3.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
IMMDATA(PXVRET,PXVFLTR,SUBFILES) | ; Return array of entries from IMMUNIZATION, File #9999999.14
; PXVFLTR can have one of these values: ; R:XXX - Return entry with IEN XXX. ; S:A - List of Active Immunizations (default) ; S:H - List of [Selectable for] Historic Immunizations ; S:* - All records (Including Inactive Immunizations) ; SUBFILES is 1 or Y to include the subfiles when returning the data ; If SUBFILES is 0 or N (or not specified) then return just this subset of fields: ; IEN, NAME, SHORT NAME, CVX CODE, MAX # IN SERIES, INACTIVE FLAG, ; MNEMONIC, ACRONYM, SELECTABLE FOR HISTORIC) |
GETFLDS | ; Get fields for one IEN
SUBFILES | ; Add the subfile multiples to the array
; Subfiles: |
RPC Name | Call Tags |