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Routine: QAN26PRE


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  1. QAN26PRE ;;WCIOFO/ERC - Pre-install for QAN*2*26 ;7/23/99
  1. ;;2.0;Incident Reporting;**26**;08/07/1992
  1. ;
  1. ;This routine will eliminate two fields from the QA INCIDENTS FILE
  1. ;(file 742.1) that refer to regions. It will also set to null the
  1. ;data in these fields. The fields are .03 - E-MAIL TO REGION and
  1. ;
  1. NULL ;sets to null any data in .03 or .05
  1. N QANAA
  1. S QANAA=0
  1. F S QANAA=$O(^QA(742.1,QANAA)) Q:QANAA'>0 D
  1. . S $P(^QA(742.1,QANAA,0),U,3)=""
  1. . S $P(^QA(742.1,QANAA,0),U,5)=""
  1. ;
  1. DELE ;delete the fields
  1. S DIK="^DD(742.1,",DA(1)=742.1
  1. F DA=.03,.05 D ^DIK
  1. K DA,DIK
  1. Q