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Routine: QANDIU


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  1. QANDIU ;WCIOFO/ERC-Delete obsolete files 513.72, 513.941 /9/25/97
  1. ;;2.0;Incident Reporting;**24**;10/6/92
  1. ; This routine deletes files 513.72 (*PATIENT QA EVENT FILE) and
  1. ; 513.941 (*INCIDENT TYPE FILE). These files were used in the
  1. ; precursor to the current Incident Reporting package, which uses
  1. ; files in the 742 file range.
  1. N DIU
  1. S DIU="^PRMQ(513.941,",DIU(0)="TSD"
  1. D EN^DIU2
  1. S DIU="^PRMQ(513.72,",DIU(0)="DST"
  1. D EN^DIU2
  1. Q