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Routine: RA84PRE

Package: Radiology Nuclear Medicine

Routine: RA84PRE


RA84PRE ;Hines OI/GJC - Pre-init Driver, patch 84 ;01/05/06 06:32

Source Information

Source file <RA84PRE.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EN ; entry point for the pre-install logic
XREF ;REGARDLESS OF WHETHER FILE 78.3 HAS BEEN UPDATED, delete the traditional cross-reference
NS ;Create the new-style cross-reference on the PRIMARY DIAGNOSTIC CODE (70.03,13) field.
PCLKUP() ;PERSON CLASS lookup screened by INACTIVATED field on file 8932.1
ERR ;display the error text associated with our failed event

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^DD("IX" - [#.11] FIND1^DIC
^VA(200 - [#200] FIND1^DIC,  GETS^DIQ
^DIC(4 - [#4] GET1^DIQ
^USC(8932.1 - [#8932.1] FIND1^DIC
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