RADD3 ;HISC/SWM-Radiology Data Dictionary Utility Routine ; Oct 12, 2022@10:55:50
Source file <RADD3.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
PAIR | ;
; called from file 71.9's field SOURCE ; SOURCE may be added normally via the "RA NM EDIT LOT" option, ; or it may be added via one of the 3 exam edits when the LOT ; prompt appears for the case's Radiopharm. This LOT prompt ; allows adding new LOT on-the-fly, which causes the LOT's ; associated SOURCE, EXPIRATION DATE, KIT # to be prompted ; and the current case's Radiopharm to be stuffed into the new LOT's ; Radiopharm field. The SOURCE field invokes this subroutine to: ; re-set DR string to stuff matching radiopharm ; not allow spacebar return for radioph ; RA*5*65 removed the Fileman Identifier for file 79.1's RADIOPHARM ; so by default, the DR will just be "2;3;4;" without the "5;". |
SCRLOT() | ;screen lot # from file 70.2
GETID(Y) | ; Pass back a string of data which will be used as an
; identifier when lookups are done on the Imaging Locations (79.1) file ; Input : Y -> ien of entry in 79.1 ; Output: string of data relevent to the entry in file 79.1 ; Location I-type_"-"_Station # of Rad/Nuc Med Division ; *Location I-type_"-"_Station # of Rad/Nuc Med Division ; Note: The asterisk preceeding the Location I-type name ; indicates the I-loc is inactive. (P194) |
DELDESC(RAIEN) | ; This sub-routine will determine if descendents can be
; deleted from parent procedures. If only one descendent exists, and ; the parent is on the common procedure list do not allow the deletion ; of the descendent. ; Input : RAIEN (the DA array for the Rad/Nuc Med Procedure file.) ; Output: 0 if ok to delete, 1 if not ok to delete ; Called from: ^DD(71.05,.01,"DEL",1,0) node |
REACMMN(RADA) | ; Check to see if a commom procedure can be re-activated.
; This sub-routine checks if this common is a parent w/o descendents. ; If true, this common procedure cannot be re-activated. ; Input : RADA - ien of the entry in 71.3 ; Output: 0 if ok to delete, 1 if not ok to delete ; Called from ^DD(71.3,4,"DEL",1,0) |
; STATUS TIMES (70.05) multiple. Called from RASTED (will be ; called from RAUTL1 in the future) |
; multiple. Called from RASTED (will be called from RAUTL1 in the ; future) |
U70033(RA18DFN,RA18DTI,RA18CNI,RA18ST) | ;
FileNo | Call Tags |
^DIC(4 - [#4] | GET1^DIQ |
^RA(79.2 - [#79.2] | GET1^DIQ |