RADUTL ;HISC/GJC Radiation dosage data filing utility ;12 Jul 2017 9:37 AM
Source file <RADUTL.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
DEL(Y) | ;delete the top level record from file 70.3
UPCT(RAX,RAII,RAIEN) | ;update the CT sub-file 70.31
EDTFL(RAP,RAQ,RAR,RAS,RAIENS) | ;edit fluoroscopy specific data
FIND(RADFN,RADTE,RACN) | ;find the record in file 70.3
NEW(RADFN,RADTE,RACN) | ;create a radiation absorbtion dose (RAD) record
RADPTR(RADFN,RADTI,RACNI,Y) | ;file/delete the pointer value from 70.3 from
II(X) | ;check the data integrity of the Irradiation Instance UID (IIUID).
GETDOSE | ;call the Imaging API which returns radiation dose data for a study
; RADFN, RADTI & RACNI exist ; RAY2, RAY3 & RAIT set in RAORDC ; $P(RAY3,U) = case # |