RAHLBKVQ ;HIRMFO/GJC-Bridge Query, Kurzweil compatible to HL7 v1.5 ;10/7/97 16:01
Source file <RAHLBKVQ.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN1 | ; Build the ^TMP("RARPT-QRY" global from HL7's message global ^HL(772
; same global will be used for data returned back from DHCP |
XIT | ; compile the 'ACK' segment, kill variables and quit
KILL | ||
SETUP | ;setup HLSDATA() from each "record" of ^TMP("RARPT-QBAK",$J,RARECNT,*)
; re-use var RARECNT |
REC | ; -- PID --
; set vendor-calculated variables |
ALLER | ; -- OBX allergies --
OBX11 | ; for HL7 1.5