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Routine: RAIENV


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  1. RAIENV ;HIRMFO/GJC-Environment Check routine (cleanup build) ;5/29/97 09:08
  1. VERSION ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;;Mar 16, 1998
  1. ; Developer Note: This environment check will allow the user
  1. ; to load the 'Radiology/Nuclear Medicine Cleanup' build without
  1. ; installing. We never want to load & install 'Radiology/Nuclear
  1. ; Medicine Cleanup' by itself. It is a queued job, fired off by
  1. ; the last post-install routine of Radiology/Nuclear Medicine v5.0.
  1. ;
  1. W !!?3,"This build will be queued to run from the RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR"
  1. W " MEDICINE",!?3,$P($T(+2),";",3)_" build. ",XPDNM," cannot be run"
  1. W !?3,"independently.",! S XPDABORT=2 Q