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Routine: RAIPST1

Package: Radiology Nuclear Medicine

Routine: RAIPST1


RAIPST1 ;HISC/SWM - Post-init number one; 12/4/95 ;6/4/97 09:34

Source Information

Source file <RAIPST1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
VERSION ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;;Mar 16, 1998
EN1 ; install signon-alert into XU Menu
EN2 ; delete obsolete *CREDIT CLINIC STOP data dictionary & descriptor nodes
; from the Rad/Nuc Med Amis Codes file (71.1)
EN3 ; Convert free-text Device file pointer data to conventional pointer
; data. The following fields are impacted: '^DD(71,3,' '^DD(79.1,3,'
; '^DD(79.1,5,' '^DD(79.1,10,' & '^DD(79.1,16,'
CVRT(X,Y,Z,Z1) ; Convert free-text pointer to its corresponding ien in
; the Device file.
EN4 ; Convert the "Allow 'Released/Unverified'" data from the Rad/Nuc Med
; Division '^RA(79,' file to the new field, "Allow 'Released
; /Unverified'" in the Imaging Locations '^RA(79.1,' file. When the
; data conversion is finished, delete the "Allow 'Released/Unverified'"
; field from the Rad/Nuc Med Division '^RA(79,' file.
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