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Routine: RARTE7

Package: Radiology Nuclear Medicine

Routine: RARTE7


RARTE7 ;HISC/SM continuation - Delete a Report, Outside Rpt misc;10/10/08 16:05

Source Information

Source file <RARTE7.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
MARKDEL ; set field 5 to "X" to mark rpt as deleted
; also update activity log, send report deletion bulletin, store then delete
; associated DX, Staff, Resident data
PSET ;delete primary and secondary data
KILSEC(RAF2,RAC1) ;kill secondary data
SET7401(X) ; use this for DX, Staff, Resident secondaries
; set activity log's subfiles to store any secondaries
ANYDX(ARRAY) ; called from RARTE5
; input ARRAY name to store all DXs for this case
; output:
; =1 if one or more diag codes
; =0 if no diag code
; ARRAY() stores diag codes as merged from case
ALERT ; for Outside Report, ck if new/changed diags require alert
; this is called from RARTE5 each time an outside report is edited
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