RASTREQN ;HIRMFO/GJC-Status Requirement check for Radiopharms ;11/18/97 15:13
Source file <RASTREQN.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN1(RADIO,RAJ) | ; Check if all the required radiopharmaceutical data has
; been entered for this particular Examination Status. ; *=*=*= Kills 'X' if the status cannot be updated =*=*=* ; Input: 'RADIO' -> .5 node of the examination status (Radiopharms req) ; 'RAJ' -> 0 node of the examination |
NORADIO(RAPRI,RANXT72) | ; This function will determine if Rpharm
; fields from the 'Nuc Med Exam Data' file [ ^RADPTN( ] will be asked. ; Input : 'RANXT72' -> .6 node of the 'Next' Exam Status ; : 'RAPRI' -> IEN of the procedure for this exam ; Output: '1' bypass Rpharm questions, else (0) ask |
DISDEF(RADA) | ; Display Radiopharmaceutical default data
; called from input templs: [RASTATUS CHANGE] and [RA EXAM EDIT] ; Input: RADA -> ien of the Nuc Med Exam Data record |
TRAN(X) | ; Translate field name to a shorter length.
; Called from [RA STATUS CHANGE] and [RA EXAM EDIT] input templates. ; Validate the value for either : ; ACTIVITY DRAWN (fld 4, DD: 70.21) ; DOSE (fld 7, DD: 70.21) ; If there are limits on the Dosage, validate. ; If validate fails, ask user if the invalid value is to be accepted. ; If yes, proceed. ; If no, re-ask DOSE. ; Input: RAHI = Upper limit on dosage ; RALOW = Lower limit on dosage ; X = Value user input ; RABACKTO = Previous Line tag to loop back to if need re-ask ; RAGOTO = Default linetag to proceed to if within range ; RALASTAG = Last linetag in this edit template if early out ; RAWARN = display/not the warning msg -- 0=no, 1=yes |
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^RADPTN - [#70.2] | GETS^DIQ |