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Routine: RCMSFN01


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  1. RCMSFN01 ;WASH-ISC@ALTOONA,PA/RGY-Miscellaneous Site Functions ;7/3/96 11:16 AM
  1. V ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**47**;Mar 20, 1995
  1. ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
  1. INT(Y) ;Input: Date
  1. ;Return: Effective Interest Rate^Effective date
  1. NEW X
  1. S X=+$O(^RC(342,1,4,"AC",9999999-$S($G(Y):Y,1:DT)))
  1. Q +$P($G(^RC(342,1,4,+$O(^RC(342,1,4,"AC",X,0)),0)),"^",2)_"^"_$S(X:9999999-X,1:"")
  1. ADM(Y) ;Input: Date
  1. ;Return: Effective Admin. charge^Effective date
  1. NEW X
  1. S X=+$O(^RC(342,1,4,"AC",9999999-$S($G(Y):Y,1:DT)))
  1. Q +$P($G(^RC(342,1,4,+$O(^RC(342,1,4,"AC",X,0)),0)),"^",3)_"^"_$S(X:9999999-X,1:"")
  1. PEN(Y) ;Input: Date
  1. ;Return: Effective Penalty Rate^Effect date
  1. NEW X
  1. S X=+$O(^RC(342,1,4,"AC",9999999-$S($G(Y):Y,1:DT)))
  1. Q +$P($G(^RC(342,1,4,+$O(^RC(342,1,4,"AC",X,0)),0)),"^",4)_"^"_$S(X:9999999-X,1:"")
  1. LIT(Y) ;Input: Date
  1. ;Return: Effective Penalty^Effective Date
  1. NEW X
  1. S X=+$O(^RC(342,1,4,"AC",9999999-$S($G(Y):Y,1:DT)))
  1. Q +$P($G(^RC(342,1,4,+$O(^RC(342,1,4,"AC",X,0)),0)),"^",5)_"^"_$S(X:9999999-X,1:"")