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Routine: RMPRFC5


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  1. RMPRFC5 ;HINES CIOFO/HNC - Utility ; 3/22/05
  1. ;;3.0;PROSTHETICS;**83**;Feb 09, 1996;Build 20
  1. ;
  1. TRIMWP(ARRAY,PIECE) ;OBX segments so that only comment remains
  1. ; Input:
  1. ; ARRAY = the array in which the segments are contained
  1. ; ex. ^TMP("RMPRIF",541083753,"OBX",3,3)=3|TX|^COMMENTS^|3|text "
  1. ; PIECE = the piece in the array where the text lives
  1. ;
  1. ; Output:
  1. ; trimmed array
  1. ; ex. ^TMP("RMPRIF",541083753,"OBX",3,3)="text"
  1. ;
  1. N I S I=0
  1. F S I=$O(@(ARRAY)@(I)) Q:'I D
  1. . S @(ARRAY)@(I)=$P(@(ARRAY)@(I),"|",PIECE)
  1. Q
  1. Q
  1. EXIT ;
  1. Q