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Routine: SD53P204


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  1. SD53P204 ;bp/cmf - Patch SD*5.3*204 utility routine ; 12/06/99
  1. ;;5.3;Scheduling;**204**;AUG 13, 1993
  1. ;
  1. ENV ;environment check point.
  1. ;
  1. S XPDABORT=""
  1. D PROGCHK(.XPDABORT) ;checks programmer variables
  1. D PARMCHK(.XPDABORT) ;checks param file ien exists
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. PRE ;Pre-init
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. POST ;Post-init
  1. D POST^SD53A204 ;generate -1 practitioner message
  1. D POST^SD53B204 ;update c/s files
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. PROGCHK(XPDABORT) ;checks for necessary programmer variables
  1. ;
  1. I '$G(DUZ)!($G(DUZ(0))'="@")!('$G(DT))!($G(U)'="^") DO
  1. .D BMES^XPDUTL("*****")
  1. .D MES^XPDUTL("Your programming variables are not set up properly.")
  1. .D MES^XPDUTL("Installation aborted.")
  1. .D MES^XPDUTL("*****")
  1. .S XPDABORT=2
  1. .Q
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. PARMCHK(XPDABORT) ;checks for proper param file ien
  1. ;
  1. I '$D(^SCTM(404.44,1)) D
  1. .D BMES^XPDUTL("*****")
  1. .D MES^XPDUTL("Parameter file (#404.44) does not have proper IEN (1).")
  1. .D MES^XPDUTL("Installation aborted.")
  1. .D MES^XPDUTL("*****")
  1. .S XPDABORT=2
  1. .Q
  1. Q
  1. ;