- SDCOU2 ;ALB/RMO - Utilities Cont. - Check Out;16 MAR 1993 1:00 pm
- ;;5.3;Scheduling;;Aug 13, 1993
- ;
- EXOE(E) ;Determine if Encounter is Exempt from Outpatient Classifications
- ; Input -- E Outpatient Encounter IEN
- ; Output -- 1=Yes and 0=No
- N E0,Y
- S E0=$G(^SCE(+E,0)) G EXOEQ:E0']""
- I $$EX(+$P(E0,"^",3),+E0) D
- .S Y=1
- .I $P(E0,"^",8)=1,$P($G(^SC(+$P(E0,"^",4),0)),"^",18),'$$EX(+$P(^(0),"^",18),+E0) S Y=0
- EXOEQ Q +$G(Y)
- ;
- EX(C,D) ;Determine if Clinic Stop Code is Exempt from Outpatient Classifications
- ; Input -- C Clinic Stop Code file IEN
- ; D Date/Time (Optional- default today@2359)
- ; Output -- 1=Yes and 0=No
- N E,S,Y
- S D=$S($G(D)>0:D,1:DT) S:'$P(D,".",2) D=D_.2359
- S S=+$P($G(^DIC(40.7,+C,0)),"^",2)
- S E=+$O(^SD(409.45,"B",S,0))
- I $D(^SD(409.45,E,"E",+$O(^(+$O(^SD(409.45,E,"E","AID",-D)),0)),0)),$P($G(^(0)),"^",2) S Y=1
- Q +$G(Y)
- --- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HSDCOU2 910 printed Jan 18, 2025@03:50:44 Page 2
- SDCOU2 ;ALB/RMO - Utilities Cont. - Check Out;16 MAR 1993 1:00 pm
- +1 ;;5.3;Scheduling;;Aug 13, 1993
- +2 ;
- EXOE(E) ;Determine if Encounter is Exempt from Outpatient Classifications
- +1 ; Input -- E Outpatient Encounter IEN
- +2 ; Output -- 1=Yes and 0=No
- +3 NEW E0,Y
- +4 SET E0=$GET(^SCE(+E,0))
- if E0']""
- +5 IF $$EX(+$PIECE(E0,"^",3),+E0)
- Begin DoDot:1
- +6 SET Y=1
- +7 IF $PIECE(E0,"^",8)=1
- IF $PIECE($GET(^SC(+$PIECE(E0,"^",4),0)),"^",18)
- IF '$$EX(+$PIECE(^(0),"^",18),+E0)
- SET Y=0
- End DoDot:1
- +1 ;
- EX(C,D) ;Determine if Clinic Stop Code is Exempt from Outpatient Classifications
- +1 ; Input -- C Clinic Stop Code file IEN
- +2 ; D Date/Time (Optional- default today@2359)
- +3 ; Output -- 1=Yes and 0=No
- +4 NEW E,S,Y
- +5 SET D=$SELECT($GET(D)>0:D,1:DT)
- if '$PIECE(D,".",2)
- SET D=D_.2359
- +6 SET S=+$PIECE($GET(^DIC(40.7,+C,0)),"^",2)
- +7 SET E=+$ORDER(^SD(409.45,"B",S,0))
- +8 IF $DATA(^SD(409.45,E,"E",+$ORDER(^(+$ORDER(^SD(409.45,E,"E","AID",-D)),0)),0))
- IF $PIECE($GET(^(0)),"^",2)
- SET Y=1
- +9 QUIT +$GET(Y)