SDPCE0 ;MJK/ALB - Process PCE Event Data ;01 APR 1993
; -- Variable definitions for SDPCE routines
; SDVIST - visit file ien
; SDVIST() - visit data array
; subscripts:
; BEFORE - PCE event data 'before' value of visit ien 0th node
; AFTER - PCE event data 'after' value of visit ien 0th node
; SDSCB - stop code ien from PCE event 'before' data (piece 8)
; SDSCA - stop code ien from PCE event 'after' data (piece 8)
; SCSC - stop code ien of clinc
; (no before/after - since clinic can't change)
; SD800B - PCE event data 'before' value of visit ien 800 node
; SD800A - PCE event data 'after' value of visit ien 800 node
; SDEVENT - array that holds data for api
; SDEVENT() - subscripted as defined by api
; SDERR - array that holds errors/warnings from api
; SDTYPR - type of error message (ERROR or WARNING)
; DFN - paitent file ien
; SDT - encounter date/time
; SDCL - hospital location file ien
; CLASS - classification abbrevation code (ie. 'SC','AO','IR','EC')
; SDI - general count increment variable
; SDB - general variable to hold 'B'efore value
; SDA - general variable to hold 'A'fter value
; SDPRVI - V-Provider ien
; SDPRVB - 'Before' value of V-Provider 0th node
; SDPRVA - 'After' value of V-Provider 0th node
; SDCPTI - V-CPT ien
; SDCPTB - 'Before' value of V-CPT 0th node
; Also used for 'before' value of 'level of care' field
; from 0th node of visit
; SDCPTA - 'After' value of V-CPT 0th node
; Also used for 'after' value of 'level of care' field
; from 0th node of visit
; SDPOVI - V-POV ien
; SDPOV - V-POV ien
; SDPOVB - 'Before' value of V-POV 0th node
; SDPOVA - 'After' value of V-POV 0th node
; CODE - CPT code value
; IDC9 code value
; ACTION - action node value for api (ADD/CHANGE/DELETE)
; VAREA - V-file related area that corresponds to the api's
; ITEM - Detail node related to VAREA desendents
; (ie. actual CPT code, ICD9 code)
; ADD - 'ADD' node value of CPT code in SDEVENT array
; DEL - 'DELETE' node value of CPT code in SDEVENT array
--- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HSDPCE0 2395 printed Oct 16, 2024@18:59:52 Page 2
SDPCE0 ;MJK/ALB - Process PCE Event Data ;01 APR 1993
+1 ;;5.3;Scheduling;**27**;08/13/93
+2 ;
+3 ; -- Variable definitions for SDPCE routines
+4 ; SDVIST - visit file ien
+5 ; SDVIST() - visit data array
+6 ; subscripts:
+7 ; BEFORE - PCE event data 'before' value of visit ien 0th node
+8 ; AFTER - PCE event data 'after' value of visit ien 0th node
+9 ; SDSCB - stop code ien from PCE event 'before' data (piece 8)
+10 ; SDSCA - stop code ien from PCE event 'after' data (piece 8)
+11 ; SCSC - stop code ien of clinc
+12 ; (no before/after - since clinic can't change)
+13 ; SD800B - PCE event data 'before' value of visit ien 800 node
+14 ; SD800A - PCE event data 'after' value of visit ien 800 node
+15 ; SDEVENT - array that holds data for api
+16 ; SDEVENT() - subscripted as defined by api
+17 ; SDERR - array that holds errors/warnings from api
+18 ; SDTYPR - type of error message (ERROR or WARNING)
+19 ; DFN - paitent file ien
+20 ; SDT - encounter date/time
+21 ; SDCL - hospital location file ien
+22 ; CLASS - classification abbrevation code (ie. 'SC','AO','IR','EC')
+23 ; SDI - general count increment variable
+24 ; SDB - general variable to hold 'B'efore value
+25 ; SDA - general variable to hold 'A'fter value
+26 ; SDPRVI - V-Provider ien
+27 ; SDPRVB - 'Before' value of V-Provider 0th node
+28 ; SDPRVA - 'After' value of V-Provider 0th node
+29 ; SDCPTI - V-CPT ien
+30 ; SDCPTB - 'Before' value of V-CPT 0th node
+31 ; Also used for 'before' value of 'level of care' field
+32 ; from 0th node of visit
+33 ; SDCPTA - 'After' value of V-CPT 0th node
+34 ; Also used for 'after' value of 'level of care' field
+35 ; from 0th node of visit
+36 ; SDPOVI - V-POV ien
+37 ; SDPOV - V-POV ien
+38 ; SDPOVB - 'Before' value of V-POV 0th node
+39 ; SDPOVA - 'After' value of V-POV 0th node
+40 ; CODE - CPT code value
+41 ; IDC9 code value
+42 ; ACTION - action node value for api (ADD/CHANGE/DELETE)
+43 ; VAREA - V-file related area that corresponds to the api's
+45 ; ITEM - Detail node related to VAREA desendents
+46 ; (ie. actual CPT code, ICD9 code)
+47 ; ADD - 'ADD' node value of CPT code in SDEVENT array
+48 ; DEL - 'DELETE' node value of CPT code in SDEVENT array