SROMOD ;BIR/ADM - CPT Modifier Input ; [ 02/27/01 6:32 AM ]
Source file <SROMOD.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
DISPLAY | ; display name with modifier
SCR27() | ; screen for acceptable CPT code/modifier pair for principal procedure
PCHK | ; return value of modifier if acceptable for principal procedure
OTH() | ; screen for acceptable CPT code/modifier pair for other procedure
OCHK | ; return value of modifier if acceptable for other procedure
SPRIN | ; set logic for ACPT x-ref
KPRIN | ; kill logic for ACPT x-ref
SOTH | ; set logic for ACPT1 x-ref
KOTH | ; kill logic for ACPT1 x-ref
HYPH27 | ; input CPT hyphenated modifier for principal procedure
HYPHOTH | ; input CPT hyphenated modifier for other procedure
QUES | ||