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Routine: SROXR4

Package: Surgery

Routine: SROXR4



Source Information

Source file <SROXR4.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
PRO ; stuff default prosthesis info
CAN ; 'SET' logic of the 'ACAN' x-ref on the 'CANCEL REASON'
; field in the SURGERY file (130)
KCAN ; 'KILL' logic of the 'ACAN' x-ref on the 'CANCEL REASON'
; field in the SURGERY file (130)
AS ; 'SET' logic of the 'AS' x-ref on the SCHEDULED START TIME
; field in the SURGERY file (130)
KAS ; 'KILL' logic of the 'AS' x-ref on the SCHEDULED FINISH TIME
; field in the SURGERY file (130)
SCH ; 'SET' logic of the 'AC' x-ref of the REQUIRED FIELDS FOR SCHEDULING
; field in the SURGERY SITE PARAMETERS file (133)
KSCH ; 'KILL' logic of the 'AC' x-ref of the REQUIRED FIELDS FOR SCHEDULING
; field in the SURGERY SITE PARAMETERS file (133)
RISK ; clean up risk data for canceled cases
AQ ; set logic for AQ x-ref
KAQ ; kill logic for AQ x-ref
AQDT ; get monthly transmission date 45 days after end of the month of the operation
AQ1 ; set logic for AQ1 x-ref
KAQ1 ; kill logic for AQ1 x-ref
AT ; set logic for AT x-ref on DATE OF LAST TRANSMISSION
KAT ; kill logic for AT x-ref on DATE OF LAST TRANSMISSION
AT1 ; set logic for AT x-ref on DATE TRANSMITTED
KAT1 ; kill logic for AT x-ref on DATE TRANSMITTED
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