Source file <SRTPUTL.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
ADT | ; set 'ADT x-ref
KADT | ; kill 'ADT' x-ref
AT | ; set logic for AT x-ref on DATE OF LAST TRANSMISSION
KAT | ; kill logic for AT x-ref on DATE OF LAST TRANSMISSION
AGE | ; set logic of the 'AGE' x-ref on the Donor's Date of Birth
KAGE | ; 'KILL' logic of the 'AGE' x-ref on the Date of Birth
Y | ||
HLA | ; called by input transform of the HLA TYPING fields
PVR | ; called by input transform of the PVR VASODILATION fields
CHK199 | ; check entries of the Tobacco Use Timeframe field (#199) based on the value of the Tobacco Use field.
TUT | ; set default value for tobacco use timeframe
HW | ; get weight & height from Vitals
WT | ||
HT | ||
F69(SRTPP) | ; restrict selection of DCD & SCD for heart transplant
F147(SRTPP) | ; screen out DIET for Lung, Liver, and Kidney
HDR | ; print screen header
SRHDR | ||
TR(SRI) | ;
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^SRT - [#139.5] | CHK^DIE |