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Routine: TIUDD98

Package: Text Integration Utility

Routine: TIUDD98


TIUDD98 ; slc/KCM - Build menus in XUTL (file 8925.1) ;7/19/94 13:51 ;

Source Information

Source file <TIUDD98.m>

Caller Graph


Legend of Colors

Package Component Superscript legend

action A extended action Ea event driver Ed subscriber Su protocol O limited protocol LP run routine RR broker B edit E server Se print P screenman SM inquire I

Caller Graph

Caller Graph Total: 2

Package Total Caller Graph
Text Integration Utility 2 ^TIU(8925.98  PERSONAL DOCUMENT LIST  

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
SET ;From: Cross reference in file 8925.98, field 99 Entry: DA Exit: DA
UP(X) ; Convert X to upper case
KILL ; From: File 8925.98, Field 99 Entry: DA Exit: DA
REDO ; Update TIMESTAMP on self when Print Name Changes
; From: File 8925.9801, Field .03 Entry: DA Exit: DA

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
^TIU(8925.1 - [#8925.1] SET+9, SET+10, SET+16, SET+21
^TIU(8925.98 - [#8925.98] SET+2, SET+3, SET+8, SET+9, SET+15, SET+17!, SET+18*, SET+28*, REDO+2
^TMP("XQORM" SET+5!, SET+11*, SET+13, SET+14, SET+29!
^XUTL("XQORM" SET+3, SET+7*, SET+25*, SET+26*, SET+27*, SET+28*, KILL+1!

Label References

Name Line Occurrences
$$UP SET+26, SET+27

Naked Globals

Name Field # of Occurrence
^(99 REDO+2*

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
>> DA SET+2, SET+3, SET+7, SET+8, SET+9, SET+15, SET+17, SET+18, SET+25, SET+26
SET+27, SET+28, KILL+1
>> DA(1 REDO+2
I SET+23~*
S1 SET+4~, SET+12*, SET+13*, SET+14
S2 SET+4~, SET+7*, SET+8*, SET+9, SET+11, SET+13*, SET+14*, SET+15, SET+17, SET+18
TIUCCOL SET+4~, SET+12*, SET+19*, SET+20
TIUCOL SET+4~, SET+6*, SET+7, SET+12
TIUCROW SET+4~, SET+12*, SET+19*, SET+20
TIUPOS SET+4~, SET+20*, SET+25, SET+26, SET+27
TIUROW SET+4~, SET+12*, SET+19
TIUTOT SET+4~, SET+7*, SET+11*, SET+12
U SET+9, SET+10, SET+16, SET+21, SET+25
X SET+4~, SET+9*, SET+10*, SET+11, SET+15*, SET+16, SET+17, SET+21, SET+25, SET+27
SET+28*, UP~, UP+1
X1 SET+4~, SET+21*, SET+22*, SET+23*, SET+24*, SET+25, SET+26
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