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Routine: TIUPEVN1

Package: Text Integration Utility

Routine: TIUPEVN1


TIUPEVN1 ; SLC/JER - Event logger Cont'd ;05/20/10 14:09

Source Information

Source file <TIUPEVN1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
FIELDS(EVNTDA,MSG) ; ---- Log missing/incorrect field errors for
; specific fields in UPLOAD LOG file (#8925.4),
; in multiple fl. TIU*1*81 moved from TIUPEVNT
FLDALRT(EVNTDA,EVNTDA1,ERRMSG) ; ---- Send alerts for missing field errors
; TIU*1*81 moved from TIUPEVNT
FLDISP ; ---- Alert follow-up action for missing field errors
RECDISP(DIC,DA) ; ---- Call DIQ to display the existing record
; TIU*1*81 moved from TIUPEVNT
FIXED(DIC,DA,DR) ; ---- Evaluate whether the field has been filled in
; TIU*1*81 moved from TIUPEVNT
FLDRSLV(ERRDA) ; ---- Evaluate missing field errors; mark resolved
; TIU*1*81 moved from TIUPEVNT
WHOGETS(TIUY,TIUTYP) ; ---- Who gets filing error/missing field alerts;
; Get 8925.95 (document parameter) recipients.
; ---- TIUTYP is title IFN in 8925.1 if valid title was uploaded, else
; is IFN of entry from $HDR line: e.g. PROGRESS NOTES
; Starts at initial TIUTYP; goes up hierarchy til it finds entry.
; ---- TIU*1*81 Don't new TIUDAD HERE!

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !," Nothing left to resolve."
  • Line Location: FLDISP+11
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"You may now enter the correct information:",!
  • Line Location: FLDISP+13
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,$P(XQADATA,";"),!
  • Line Location: FLDISP+14
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !
  • Line Location: RECDISP+4
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