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Routine: TIUPRF

Package: Text Integration Utility

Routine: TIUPRF


TIUPRF ; SLC/JMH - API's for Patient Record Flags ; 7/29/05

Source Information

Source file <TIUPRF.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
ISPRFDOC(TIUDA) ;Function (called by PIMS) returns 1 if docmt is PRF,
GETTTL(TIUDA) ; API called by PIMS to retrieve the name of a
CHKDOC(TIUDA) ; API called by PIMS to check the existence of a TIU
; Document before linking, deleting,...
; Output TIURET: Return value
; (0 if Document does not exist, 1 if it does exist)
GETLIST(PRFCAT,TARGET) ; API called by PIMS to retrieve a list of active
; Category I and/or Category II Progress Note Titles
; Input PRFCAT: PRF Category Flag [1,2 or 3]
; 1:Category I
; 2:Category II
; 3:Both Category I and II
; Input TARGET: The array name to place the list of
; Titles and IENs
; Output TIURET: Return value to pass back any error
; codes if necessary
; If nothing to return in list, TIUCNT=0 and TARGET array is empty
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