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Routine: TIUPS76

Package: Text Integration Utility

Routine: TIUPS76


TIUPS76 ; SLC/JER - Post-install for TIU*1*76 ; 7/27/1999

Source Information

Source file <TIUPS76.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
MAIN ; Do it!
RUNCHECK() ; Check whether this code has already run
SETROOT(SUCCESS) ; Create the primary Root called Shared Templates
SETITLE(SUCCESS) ; Create Inactive Folder for Boilerplated Titles
WRAPTTLS(TTLGRP) ; Create Template "wrappers" for Titles w/BP text
ADDITEM(PARENT,ITEM) ; Add Item to Parent
SETOBJ(SUCCESS) ; Create Active Folder for all ACTIVE TIU OBJECTS
WRAPOBJS(OBJGRP) ; Create Template "wrappers" for ACTIVE Objects
MAKEWRAP(WRAPTEMP,TIUTNM,TIUX) ; Create a single wrapper
BLDTREE(TREE,ROOTDA,ITMLST) ; Add Boilerplated Titles and
; Patient Data Objects as items to ROOT
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