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Routine: TIURT

Package: Text Integration Utility

Routine: TIURT


TIURT ; SLC/JER,MAM - Sign On Chart, etc. ;14-MAR-2001 09:52:41 [1/5/04 11:30am]

Source Information

Source file <TIURT.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
SIGNCHRT ; Mark signed on chart
SIGCHRT1(TIUDA) ; Single record sign on chart
OC(DA,MSG) ; Mark signed on chart. Edit on-chart signatures.
OCDELETE(DA,TIU15,NTIU15,MSG) ; Clean up data if signers/dates deleted or
; partially deleted
STUFFSIG(DA,TIU15) ; Stuff sig flds w/ TIU15 co-sig flds
; TIU15 must be current when received, is returned updated.
STUFFCOS(DA,TIU15) ; Stuff co-sig flds w/ TIU15 sig flds
; TIU15 must be current when received, is returned updated.

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,$C(7),"Ok, no harm done...",!
  • Line Location: SIGNCHRT+9
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,$G(SIGMSG(1)),!,$G(SIGMSG(2)),!
  • Line Location: SIGCHRT1+3
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