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Routine: TIUTIUS

Package: Text Integration Utility

Routine: TIUTIUS


TIUTIUS ; MILW/JMC - Functions to search TIU documents; May 24, 2006 ; 2/16/16 1:49pm

Source Information

Source file <TIUTIUS.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
TASK(AUMTDA) ; Task searching of document for specified text
DQ ; Tasked entry point to search TIU document for specified text
; that should generate an alert to appropriate CPRS team.
SENDXQA ; Send Kernel alert to appropriate team or team device
SENDSA ; Build and sent alerts to signer
SKIP() ; Check if we should skip alerting this team if they already have been sent an alert.
ADDRECP ; Send to additional notification recipients.
; If no associate PC provider(3) then check and send to PC provider (1).
; If team (6) then check if patient is member of team.
; If PCP (7-19) checks for associated PCP in PATIENT file (#2) , fields 695021-695033
CHKTEAM(AUMTEAM) ; Check if this patient is linked to this team
ADDTEAM(AUMTEAM) ; Add members of team to list of recipients

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^SC - [#44] GET1^DIQ
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