TIUVPR ;SLC/JER,MKB,ASMR/BL - Server fns - lists for VPR ; 10/16/15 2:12pm
Source file <TIUVPR.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
NOTES(TIUY,DFN,EARLY,LATE) | ; Gets list of Notes
SUMMARY(TIUY,DFN,EARLY,LATE) | ; Gets list of Summaries
LIST(TIUY,DFN,CLASS,EARLY,LATE,STATUS) | ; Build List of [parent] documents
; TIUY - Return array name, pass by reference ; DFN - Pointer to PATIENT #2 ; [CLASS] - PN,CR,C,W,A,D,DS,SR,CP,LR [default=ALL] ; or TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION #8925.1 ien ; [EARLY] - FM date/time to begin search ; [LATE] - FM date/time to end search ; [STATUS] - Name of TIU STATUS #8925.6 [default=COMPLETED] |
CLASS(CLNAME) | ; -- Returns the TIU [Document] Class for CLNAME
UNSIG(IEN,USER) | ; -- Return 1 or 0, if note IEN is unsigned for USER
GET(TIUY,DFN,CLASS,EARLY,LATE) | ; Build List of [parent only] documents
; TIUY - Return array, pass name by reference ; DFN - Pointer to PATIENT #2 ; CLASS - Pointer to TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION #8925.1 ; [EARLY] - FM date/time to begin search ; [LATE] - FM date/time to end search |