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Routine: USR27

Package: Authorization Subscription

Routine: USR27


USR27 ; SLC/MAM - Environment check - new USR Action Link to Flag ;2/17/05

Source Information

Source file <USR27.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
ENVCK ;Environment check
; Check if already have 26=LINK TO FLAG:

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"You already have action LINK TO FLAG. I will overwrite it."
  • Line Location: ENVCK+2
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"Your last USR ACTION FILE entry should be ATTACH ID ENTRY, IEN #25."
  • Line Location: ENVCK+5
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"I cannot create new USR Action LINK TO FLAG unless your current"
  • Line Location: ENVCK+6
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"file is correct. Please contact EVS. Aborting."
  • Line Location: ENVCK+7
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"Current file looks OK; I will create new USR Action LINK TO FLAG."
  • Line Location: ENVCK+8

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
^USR(8930.8 - [#8930.8] ENVCK+2, ENVCK+4

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
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