VAFEOHL1 ;ALB/JLU/CAW;generates the HL7 message to be sent(con't);6/29/93
Source file <VAFEOHL1.m>
action | A | extended action | Ea | event driver | Ed | subscriber | Su | protocol | O | limited protocol | LP | run routine | RR | broker | B | edit | E | server | Se | P | screenman | SM | inquire | I |
Package | Total | Caller Graph |
Registration | 1 | VAFEDOHL |
Name | Line Occurrences (* Changed, ! Killed) |
^VA(200 - [#200] | PV1+8 |
>> | Not killed explicitly |
* | Changed |
! | Killed |
~ | Newed |
Name | Field # of Occurrence |
>> DFN | PID+5, ZEL+7 |
>> HLECH | MSH+3, PV1+9 |
>> HLEVN | MSH+5 |
>> HLFS | PID+3, PID+4, PID+5, PID+6, PID+7, PID+8, PID+9, PID+10, ZEL+4, ZEL+5 , ZEL+6, PV1+3, PV1+4, PV1+5, PV1+9, PV1+10, PV1+11, PV1+12 |
>> HLMTN | MSH+3 |
>> HLQ | PV1+5, PV1+10 |
PROV | PV1+1~, PV1+6*, PV1+7, PV1+8*, PV1+9 |
U | MSH+5, PID+8, PID+9, PID+10, PV1+6, PV1+8, PV1+9, PV1+10, PV1+12 |
>> VA("PID" | PID+4 |
>> VADM(1 | PID+6 |
>> VADM(2 | PID+10 |
>> VADM(3 | PID+7 |
>> VADM(5 | PID+8 |
>> VAFEDD | PV1+11 |
VAFEDHL | MSH+4*, MSH+5*, PID+1~, PID+3*, PID+4*, PID+5*, PID+6*, PID+7*, PID+8*, PID+9* , PID+10*, ZEL+1~, ZEL+4*, ZEL+5*, ZEL+6*, ZEL+7*, PV1+1~, PV1+3*, PV1+4*, PV1+5* , PV1+9*, PV1+10*, PV1+11*, PV1+12* |
>> VAFEDLCT | MSH+2*, PID+2*, ZEL+2*, PV1+2* |
>> VAFEDST1 | PV1+6, PV1+9, PV1+10, PV1+12 |
>> VAFEDT | PV1+10 |
>> VAFELIG | ZEL+3, ZEL+6 |
>> VAPA(1 | PID+9 |
>> VAPA(11 | PID+9 |
>> VAPA(2 | PID+9 |
>> VAPA(3 | PID+9 |
>> VAPA(4 | PID+9 |
>> VAPA(5 | PID+9 |
>> VAPA(7 | PID+9 |
X | MSH+1~, MSH+3*, MSH+4 |