VAFHLZM1 ;BAY/JAT,PJH - Create HL7 Military History segment (ZMH) Cont ; 2/3/09 3:49pm
Source file <VAFHLZM1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
SL | ; last Service branch
SNL | ; next to last Service branch
SNNL | ; next to next to last Service branch
POW | ; Prisoner of War
COMB | ; Combat
VIET | ; Vietnam
LEBA | ; Lebanon
GREN | ; Grenada
PANA | ; Panama
GULF | ; Persian Gulf
SOMA | ; Somalia
YUGO | ; Yugoslavia
PH | ; Purple Heart Recipent
OEIF | ;build Operation Enduring/Iraqi Freedom segments
MSDS | ;build new ZMH format for MSDS records