VIABMS1 ;AAC/JMC - VIA BMS RPCs ;04/15/2016
Source file <VIABMS1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
TRTSPTY | ; Returns a list of facility treating specialty from the FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY file #45.7;ICR-1359
PIENS | ; multiple IENs; parse IENS
MASTYP | ; Returns a list of MAS movement transaction type from the MAS MOVEMENT TRANSACTION TYPE file #405.3;ICR-433
MEDCTR | ; Returns a list of Medical Center division from the MEDICAL CENTER DIVISION file #40.8;ICR-2438
ORDITM | ; Returns a list of orderable items from the ORDERABLE ITEMS file #101.43;ICR-2843
ORDSTA | ; Returns a list of Medical Center division from the ORDER STATUS file #100.01;ICR-2638
BEDSWCH | ; Returns a list of bed switch from the PATIENT MOVEMENT file #405;ICR-1865
GPATMVT | ; Returns a patient movement records from the PATIENT MOVEMENT file #405;ICR-1865
LPATMVT | ; Returns a list of patient movement records from the PATIENT MOVEMENT file #405;ICR-1865
APATMVT | ; Returns patient movement record by admission IEN from the PATIENT MOVEMENT file #405;ICR-1865
SCHADM | ; Returns a list of scheduled admissions from the SCHEDULED ADMISSION file #41.1;ICR-6611
RMBED | ; Returns a list of room/beds from the ROOM-BED file #405.4;ICR-1380
CLNAPPT | ; Returns a list of clinic appointments from the HOSPITAL LOCATION sub-file #44.001;ICR-#4433
FileNo | Call Tags |
^DGPM - [#405] | GETS^DIQ |