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Routine: VIABMS3

Package: VistA Integration Adapter

Routine: VIABMS3


VIABMS3 ;SGU/GJW - VIA BMS RPCs ;04/15/2016

Source Information

Source file <VIABMS3.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
ORDACT ; Returns a list of order actions from the ORDER file #100.008
LSTORD ; Returns a list of orders from the ORDER file #100;ICR-6475
VALUE1 ; value=1, using ^PXRMINDX
ORDACT1() ; value=1, filters by status, date and orderable items
VALUE2 ; value=2, using the 'AF' xref
ORDACT2() ; value=2, filters by status, date and orderable actions
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