VPRDCRC ;SLC/MKB,AGP -- Compute CRC32 for VistA data ;7/26/13 11:09am
Source file <VPRDCRC.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
CHECK(VPRCRC,FILTER) | ; -- Return CRC32 checksums of VistA data
; RPC = VPR GET CHECKSUM ; where FILTER("system") = name of calling/client system ; FILTER("patientId") = DFN or DFN;ICN ; FILTER("domain") = name of desired data type (see VPRDJ0) ; FILTER("uid") = single item id to return [opt] ; FILTER("start") = start date.time of search [opt] ; FILTER("stop") = stop date.time of search [opt] ; FILTER("queued") = true or false |
QUEUED(FILTER,NODE,SYS,DFN) | ; -- start job to generate checksums
EN(FILTER) | ; -- Return CRC values of requested data in ^XTMP(node,"data") as JSON
EN1 | ; [entry point for queued job]
ENCODE | ; -- return list(s) of checksums as JSON
ENQ | ||
PREP | ; -- reformat ^TMP("VPRCRC",$J) for JSON utility -> ^TMP("VPRCRCF",$J)
GET(LIST,CRC) | ; -- compute CRC32 value for LIST of strings
ONE(ARRAY,COLL) | ; -- process one data item [save result in ^TMP]
GET1(ARRAY,COLL) | ; -- process one data item [return result]
ALL() | ; -- return string for all types of data
ATTR(X) | ; -- return list of attributes needed for collection X
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
RPC Name | Call Tags |